Python SDK

After deploying a real time model, your Python client applications can use this module to get inferences from the model hosted as a real-time endpoint.


The Python inference clients is a more lightweight part of qwak-inference package which contains only the modules that are required for inference. To install, run

pip install qwak-inference

Inference examples

The following example invokes the model test_model. The model accepts one feature vector which contains three fields and produces one output field named "score".

from qwak_inference import RealTimeClient

model_id = "test_model"
feature_vector = [
      "feature_a": "feature_value",
      "feature_b": 1,
      "feature_c": 0.5

client = RealTimeClient(model_id=model_id)
response = client.predict(feature_vector)

Testing inference for a specific variation

You can optionally specify a variation name when working with the RealtimeClient

from qwak_inference import RealTimeClient

model_id = "test_model"
feature_vector = [
      "feature_a": "feature_value",
      "feature_b": 1,
      "feature_c": 0.5

client = RealTimeClient(model_id=model_id,
response = client.predict(feature_vector)

Running inference for a different Qwak environment

When working in a multi environment account, you need to specify a environment name when sending an infernce to a non default account using the RealtimeClient

from qwak_inference import RealTimeClient
from qwak_inference.configuration import Session


model_id = "test_model"
feature_vector = [
      "feature_a": "feature_value",
      "feature_b": 1,
      "feature_c": 0.5

client = RealTimeClient(model_id=model_id,
                        , environment="staging")
response = client.predict(feature_vector)