Batch Deployments


Given a successful build, you can deploy your model as a batch application.

This deployment type allows you to run batch inference executions in the system, and handle data files from an online cloud storage provider.

Deployment Configuration

ParamaterDescriptionDefault Value
Model ID [Required]The Model ID, as displayed on the model header.
Build ID [Required]The JFrog ML-assigned build ID.
Initial number of podsThe number of k8s pods to be used by the deployment.

Each pod handles one or more files/tasks.
CPU fractionThe CPU fraction allocated to each pod. The CPU resource is measured in CPU units. One CPU, in JFrog ML, is equivalent to:
1 GCP Core
1 Azure vCore
1 Hyperthread on a bare-metal Intel processor with Hyperthreading
MemoryThe RAM memory (in MB) to allocate to each pod.512
IAM role ARNThe user-provided AWS custom IAM role.None
GPU TypeThe GPU Type to use in the model deployment. Supported options are, NVIDIA K80, NVIDIA Tesla V100, NVIDIA T4 and NVIDIA A10.None
GPU AmountThe number of GPUs available for the model deployment.
Varies based on the selected GPU type.
Based on GPU Type
Purchase OptionChoose between on-demandor spot instances for the batch executions.None (spot)
Service Account Key Secret NameThe service account key secret name to reach Google cloud servicesNone

Batch Deployment from the UI

To deploy a batch model from the UI:

  1. In the left navigation bar in the JFrog ML UI, select Models and select a model to deploy.
  2. Select the Builds tab. Find a build to deploy and click the deployment toggle. The Deploy dialog box appears.
  3. Select Batch and then select Next.

Batch Deployment from the CLI

To deploy a model in batch mode from the CLI, populate the following command template:

qwak models deploy batch \ 
    --model-id <model-id> \
    --build-id <build-id> \
    --pods <pods-count> \
    --cpus <cpus-fraction> \
    --memory <memory-size>

For example, for the model built in the Getting Started with JFrog ML section, the deployment command is:

qwak models deploy batch \ 
    --model-id churn_model \
    --build-id 7121b796-5027-11ec-b97c-367dda8b746f \
    --pods 4 \
    --cpus 3 \
    --memory 1024

What’s Next

Next, let's look at the different options for performing batch predictions