Setting Alerts

Qwak allows you to get Slack notifications about critical model metrics. You can get notifications about the throughput, latency, and error rate.

Configuring Alerts

  1. Open your model's UI page and switch to the Alerts page.
  2. Click Add Alert.

  1. In the Alerts table, add a new row containing the metric type, aggregation, and condition. In the period column, specify the time window (in minutes).
  2. From the Channels dropdown, select the Slack channel to receive the notifications. If you don't see your channel there, follow the instructions below to add a new channel.
  3. Pick which model variant should be tracked or choose "All variations".
  4. Remember to save your enable the alert by clicking the Status toggle and save the changes using the Save button!
  5. For deployments of type Streaming the only supported alert types are "Error rate" and "Throughput". All alerts of type "Latency" will be automatically disabled. Remember to re-enable those alerts in case you change your deployment time to Realtime

Configuring Slack Notifications

Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from external sources into Slack. They make use of normal HTTP requests with a JSON payload, which includes the message and a few other optional details. You can include message attachments to display richly-formatted messages.

Adding incoming Webhooks requires a bot user. If your app doesn't have a bot user, one will be added for you. Each time your app is installed, a new Webhook URL is generated.

If you deactivate incoming Webhooks, new Webhook URLs will not be generated when your app is installed to your team. If you'd like to remove access to existing Webhook URLs, you will need to Revoke All OAuth Tokens.

  1. Create a Slack channel for your notifications.
  2. Create a Slack application using
  3. Create an incoming Webhook:
  • Navigate to Features > Incoming Webhooks.
  • Click Activate and Add New Webhook to Workspace.
  • Copy the Webhook.
  • Add the Slack application from step 2.
  1. Run the following command using the Qwak CLI:
qwak notifications slack add --channel-name <slack channel name> --url <webhook url>

Configuring Opsgenie Notifications

To setup Opsgenie you will need an API Key and the Alert API Url. These can be obtained by configuring a new opsgenie Integration

Add Grafana Integration in Opsgenie
You can add this integration from your team dashboard
go to settings -> intgreation -> choose Grafana integration

Save the integration:

Run the following command using the Qwak CLI to save the notification channel in the platform:

qwak notifications opsgenie add --channel-name <slack channel name> --api-url <api url> --api-key <api key>