Storage-Based Execution
The low-level API of the batch execution allows you to start and execution from a specific remote path, and write the results to another path.
Each file in the input path is translated to a single unit of processing (a JFrog ML task). Each input file is read and passed as a single chunk to the model predict
Task Processing
As the file is transformed to a single prediction request, you must ensure that the model is deployed on an instance with sufficient resources to handle the batch request.
Where batch predictions are resource-heavy, consider splitting the input dataset into multiple smaller files.
Execution configuration
Paramater | Description | Default Value |
Model ID [Required] | The Model ID, as displayed on the model header. | |
Build ID | The JFrog ML-assigned build ID. You can optionally add this to use a different build in order to perform the execution. | |
Bucket | The source and destination bucket. If you read and write to the same bucket, you can specify this, but it is not mandatory. Note: This parameter is required if 'Source Bucket' and 'Destination Bucket' are not set. | |
Source bucket | The bucket from which the input files are read, to start an execution. Note: This parameter is required if 'Bucket' is not set. | |
Destination bucket | The bucket into which the execution output files are written. Note: This parameter is required if 'Bucket' is not set. | |
Source folder [Required] | The path to the source bucket where all the inference files are located. | |
Destination Folder [Required] | The path to the destination bucket where the result files are stored. | |
Input File Type | The file types supported by JFrog ML. The supported formats are: CSV, Parquet and Feather. | CSV |
Output File Type | The types of the files stored by JFrog ML. The supported formats are: CSV, Parquet and Feather. | CSV |
Access Token Name | The name of the secret (created using our Secret Service) that contains the Access Token with permission to the source and destination buckets. | |
Access Secret Name | The name of the secret (created using our Secret Service) that contains the Access Secret with permission to the source and destination buckets. | |
Job Timeout | The job timeout, in seconds. By setting the job timeout, you will limit the execution time, and it will fail if not completed in time. | 0 - No Timeout |
File Timeout | A single file timeout, in seconds. Setting this will limit the processing time for a single file, and fail the entire execution if one of the files does not finish in time. | 0 - No Timeout |
IAM role ARN | The user-provided AWS custom IAM role. | None |
Pods | The number of k8s pods which will be used at batch inference time. Number of pods sets the maximum parallelism for an inference job. Each pod handles one or more files/tasks. This configuration takes precedence over the deployed model configuration. | The number of executors/pods defined in the deployment. |
Instance | The relevant Instance to run the batch operation | Small |
Paramaters | A list of parameters expressed as key-value pairs which will be passed to the execution request. The parameters are passed to the inference container as environment variables | |
service account key secret name | Gcp service account key name to reach google cloud provider | None |
Running batch execution using S3 buckets
Currently, only S3 buckets situated in the region configured for your JFrog ML environment are compatible as sources for input / output paths.
If you intend to employ a different IAM Role ARN to grant permissions to an S3 location, you must include the provided trust policy. For customized parameters, please reach out to our support team.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:oidc-provider/<OIDC_EKS_CLUSTER_ID>"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {
Using Custom AWS IAM Role
Custom IAM Role allow access to both private buckets and source / destination folders. Provide the custom IAM role name when calling a batch execution.
The IAM role should be created with the following trust policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"ArnLike": {
"aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/qwak-eks-base*"
Batch execution
To start an execution from the SDK, use the following command:
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management import BatchJobManagerClient
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management.results import StartExecutionResult
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management.executions_config import ExecutionConfig
// The execution configuration
execution_spec = ExecutionConfig.Execution(
parameters=<dictionary of user provided paramaters>
resources_config = ExecutionConfig.Resources(
execution_config = ExecutionConfig(execution=execution_spec, resources=resources_config)
batch_job_manager_client = BatchJobManagerClient()
execution_result: StartExecutionResult = batch_job_manager_client.start_execution(execution_config)
execution_id = execution_result.execution_id
qwak models execution start \ TERM ✘ 8m 34s base 12:58:22
--model-id <model-id> \
--source-bucket <source-bucket-name> \
--source-folder <source-folder-path> \
--destination-bucket <destination-bucket-name> \
--destination-folder <destination-folder-path> \
--input-file-type <input-file-type> \
--output-file-type <output-file-type> \
--access-token-name <buckets-access-token-secret-name> \
--access-secret-name <buckets-access-secret-secret-name> \
--job-timeout <entire-job-timeout-in-seconds> \
--file-timeout <single-file-timeout-in-seconds> \
--pods <pods-count> \
--cpus <cpus-fraction> \
--memory <memory-size> \
--build-id <alternate-build-id>
Here is a simplified version with all the default values:
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management import BatchJobManagerClient
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management.results import StartExecutionResult
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management.executions_config import ExecutionConfig
// The execution configuration
execution_spec = ExecutionConfig.Execution(
execution_config = ExecutionConfig(execution=execution_spec)
batch_job_manager_client = BatchJobManagerClient()
execution_result: StartExecutionResult = batch_job_manager_client.start_execution(execution_config)
execution_id = execution_result.execution_id
qwak models execution start \ TERM ✘ 8m 34s base 12:58:22
--model-id <model-id> \
--bucket <bucket-name> \
--source-folder <source-folder-path> \
--destination-folder <destination-folder-path> \
--access-token-name <buckets-access-token-secret-name> \
--access-secret-name <buckets-access-secret-secret-name>
Batch Job Parallelism
Note that every file in the given input path is considered a task. A task is the main unit of parallelism for a batch execution job.
For example, if five pods are requested during the batch execution (whether specified by the deployment or in the batch execution job itself), and 10 files need to processed, five files (or tasks) are executed in parallel, out of the 10 tasks that comprise the batch job.
For this reason, there is no point in requesting more pods than the number of files which need to be processed.
Concurrent Executions
You can run multiple executions, concurrently. The only limitation is not running executions with identical values for the following parameters:
- Model Id
- Build Id
- Source Bucket
- Source Folder
- Destination Bucket
- Destination Folder
The assumption is that running two executions with the same parameters, is redundant.
Switching between on-demand and spot instances
It is possible to choose a specific instance type per batch execution, overriding the configuration stated at the currently deployed models.
By providing the purchase option as advanced options, you may choose the instance type for a specific batch execution.
When not providing a specific option, the option stated in the currently deployed build will be taken.
from qwak.clients.batch_job_management import ExecutionConfig
# Using an on-demand instance for this execution
execution_spec = ExecutionConfig.Execution(
# Using an spot instance for this execution
execution_spec = ExecutionConfig.Execution(
Local file mode
It's also possible to run a batch execution using files stored locally.
The local file mode can be started by either using the local_file_run
function from the BatchInferenceClient
from qwak_inference.batch_client.batch_client import BatchInferenceClient
client = BatchInferenceClient()
Parameters have the same meaning as in the execution configuration above. The source folder and the destination folder must start with file://
It's also required to provide the input file type that will be used to select files from the source folder (by file extension).
Local file mode parameters
Remember that the source and destination folder paths MUST start with the
, andinput_file_type
are required parameters.
The local file mode requires additional dependencies that can be installed using
pip install "qwak-inference[batch,feedback]"
If the dependencies are missing, the SDK will display the following error:
Notice that BatchInferenceClient and FeedbackClient are not available in the skinny package. In order to use them, please install them as extras: pip install "qwak-inference[batch,feedback]"
Output directory
If the destination directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
If the destination directory exists and contains files with the same names as the ones created by the batch job, those files WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!
Alternatively, we can run the same local file mode using the CLI.
In this case, we run the qwak models execution start
command with the source folder and destination folder beginning with the file://
The meaning of other parameters is the same as in the execution configuration above. The local file mode started with CLI requires the same parameters and dependencies as the local file mode started with an SDK. See the warnings above.
Example: qwak models execution start --model-id the_model_id --source-folder file://path_to_a_directory --destination-folder file://path_to_output_directory --input-file-type csv
Use the following curl command template to send requests to the Batch Job Manager. Replace <your-environment>
with the name of your account, which can be found in the bottom left corner of the Qwak Dashboard, and fill in the batch job details as per your needs.
curl --location --request POST '<https://grpc.><your-environment>'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header "Authorization: Bearer $QWAK_TOKEN"
--data '{
"model_id": "<your_model_id>",
"source_bucket": "...",
"destination_bucket": "...",
"source_folder": "batch_execution/my_model/input",
"destination_folder": "batch_execution/my_model/output",
"batch_job_deployment_size": {
"number_of_pods": 4,
"cpu": 1.0,
"memory_amount": 512,
"memory_units": "MIB"
"input_file_type": "PARQUET_INPUT_FILE_TYPE",
"output_file_type": "PARQUET_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE",
"advanced_deployment_options": {
"custom_iam_role_arn": "..."}
Ensure the header is enclosed in double quotes (") when passing the QWAK_TOKEN
as an environment variable.
Example output:
"batch_id": "<some_execution_id",
"success": true,
"failure_message": ""
Before executing the curl command, ensure the
environment variable is correctly set in your terminal with the value of your generated JFrog ML Token. This step is crucial for authenticating your requests to the JFrog ML Platform.
Updated 2 months ago
Next, learn regarding the different options to manage and get visibility on an execution